Unions are required to give seven days 'notice of industrial action 工会组织劳工行动应提前7天作出声明。
Important: Notice that all of the resource configuration action names start with was_common_configure. 重点:注意所有资源配置操作的名字都以wascommonconfigure开始。
In this case, the action is simply to generate some form of notice, but you could perform a more complex action ( such as the issuance of a citation) as the rule action. 在这个例子中,活动就是简单地生成某种形式的通知,但也可以在规则活动中执行更复杂的活动(如发传票)。
This way you can notice a change of fetch type or cascade type attributes early and take an appropriate action. 这样您才能及早注意到获取类型的变更或级联类型值的变更,并采取适当的措施。
Youll also notice that having a list of concrete action items ( rather than a broad list of goals) is especially valuable later in the day, when fatigue sets in and complex thinking is harder to achieve. 你还会注意到有一份明确的行动计划(而不是泛泛的目标清单)后续在一天中,当倦意来袭,复杂的思考难以做到的时候会格外有用。
We reserve the right, at our own expense and on notice to you, to assume exclusive defence and control of any claim or action. 我们保留权利,经通知阁下后,由我们自费独自抗辩及控制任何索偿或诉讼。
After receiving the notice of action around the rapid, effective measures to promote the work in time to make arrangements well and achieved good results. 各地接到通知后行动迅速,措施得力,工作推进及时,安排部署周密,取得了较好成效。
Although prior notice of threatened adverse action is generally required, there are some exceptions to this principle. 虽然一般都要求事先通知受到威胁强迫的不利的行动,可是这一原则仍有一些例外。
1 notice by the agency in writing of the facts or conduct which may warrant the action; 一由该机关发出的、写明可能导致此种措施之事实或行为的通知。
It is best to be conscious about what has naturally reached completion, or notice what is not working, and decide on a new course of action. 最好有意识的去关注一下,有什么东西已经自然完成,有什么东西并没有正常工作,并且为新的一系列行动做出决策。
Reasonable notice of any such action shall be given to the defendant. 均应向被告人送交任何上述诉讼的合理通知。
CC will provide you with written notice of such claim, suit or action. CC将为您提供书面通知此类申诉,诉讼或采取行动。
Normally, administrators cannot impose a sanction until the respondent has been afforded notice, an opportunity for a hearing, a reasoned agency decision, and judicial review of final agency action. 除非被告得到了通知,有机会获得听证,对行政机关决定提出自己的理由,以及对最后的行政机关行动作出司法审查,行政官员不得强行实施制裁。
Don't take any notice of David, he is all talk and no action. 别理戴维,他只会夸夸其谈。
Firms need to sit up and take notice of this action – we have several more cases in the pipeline. 金融机构必须端正态度关注这一行动,我们还将处理更多的案子。
As an important rule of evidence law, judicial notice is applied on civil trial in many countries and plays an important role on saving the time and cost of action, enhancing the efficiency of action. 司法认知作为证据法的一项重要规则,在各国民事审判中被广泛运用,并起到节约诉讼时间和成本、提高诉讼效率的重要作用。
Judicial notice is of vital importance to exempt the party from the burden of proof, spare the cost of action and enhance the efficiency of action. 司法认知对于免除当事人举证负担、节约诉讼时间和成本、提高诉讼效率等有重要意义。我国三大诉讼法没有明确规定这一规则,法学界对该规则尚未给予足够的重视。